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Frequently Asked Questions about KYSC

How old does my child need to be to play in KYSC?

When does soccer start?

How long is the soccer season?

What days are the games, and when are practices?

Where are the games played?  And practices played?

Will my child get to play with other kids from his/her school?

If I have two or more children close in age, will they get to play together?

If I have more than one child playing, can I get a discount?

What equipment do I need to buy for my child to play soccer?

How much does it cost to play?

We moved here from out of town and would like to sign up for soccer. What is the process?

What if we missed Registration... can we still sign-up and play?

If I have additional questions and need answers, who can I contact?


AGES:  Kids from age 4 through 19 are eligible to play in KYSC.

Please see the "Registration Table Age Matrix" to identify your child's age group.

GAMES:  All games take place on Saturdays (older age groups may take place on Sundays) at Katy Park in Katy.  

Game times will vary, starting as early as 8:00 am and ending around 6:00 pm (Saturdays).

The number of games in a soccer season (FAll and SPRING) is typically 8 games.  If there is a "rain-out" day, make-up games will try to take place at the end of the season, weather permitting.

COST:  The cost of the soccer season is between $110 - $140 depending on your child's age group.  This information can be found on the "Registration Table Age Matrix".  

EQUIPMENT: The registration fee covers a team soccer jersey, shorts and socks as well as a medal and/or trophy at the end of the season.  Soccer cleats are optional. 


Purchasing a soccer ball is optional.  Just be sure if purchased, you buy the appropriate size ball (3, 4 or 5) for your child's age group.  Be sure to put your child's name on the ball as well if bringing to practices and games.

REGISTRATION:  KYSC has online registration twice yearly; one for the fall season and one for the spring season.  There is also "Walk-up" registration for new people to KYSC.  Those dates are posted around the same time the online registration is going on. Once online registration ends, there is a chance to register for a "Waiting List" for your child's age division.  That information is posted on our website.  If early enough, there is a good chance that your child could be placed on a team, depending on the number of teams that are created.

If you have missed registration, please contact the appropriate Age Commissioner to find out if there is still time to sign-up your child.  This will depend on the number of kids on the wait list for that particular age group.

KYSC has a NO Refund policy.  If you have questions due to extenuating circumstances, please contact our Administrator.

PRACTICES: Practices range by the player's age group.  Practices can take place from 1 to 2 times a week. This is typically at the discretion of the VOLUNTEER coaches as they will try and work around the best times for everyone on their team. This will be discussed at the Team Parent meeting that each coach will  have at the start of each season.

The location of practices will also be determined by the volunteer coach. He or she will pick an area close to where most of the kids live.

TEAMS are formed over the summer (for the fall season) and winter months (for the spring season).  The Age Commissioners will typically place kids together based on their school and where they live.  

If you have multiple children playing in KYSC, they will be placed on teams according to their school.  If you have kids close in age, they may be able to play on the same team.  That is a question to ask the appropriate Age Commissioner.  Typically KYSC will offer a small discount for families with more than one child playing in KYSC.

Our FALL and SPRING season teams will typically remain the same, unless kids don't play in both seasons.  

FALL Season Opening Day typically starts at the beginning of September.  While SPRING Season starts in early March.

COACHES: All coaches are usually parent volunteers who want to get involved and work with kids to ensure a Safe, Fun and Fair soccer playing experience.

Ideally most coaches will remain in their coaching roles more than once, so it is likely your child could play under the same coach more than one season.  If there is any conflicts, please address your concerns with the appropriate Age Commissioner.  Their email addresses are posted on "Contacts" web page.

CONTACTING KYSC:  KYSC is an "all volunteer", non-profit organization.  All Board members and Age Commissioners are volunteers with other jobs on the side.  We do NOT have a direct phone line to a specific person.  The best contact for reaching someone within KYSC is through email. 

Most all of the board members check their emails frequently and will address questions in a timely manner.  Please be patient as they all have other jobs, families and a life outside of soccer.  Also, shortly be the start of each season, it can be very busy for the Age Commissioners as they will be getting lots of questions.

# of games
Fall and Spring
Multiple kids
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